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Our community goal is to share our extraordinary and fun adventures and collectable treasures with you. We have and are experiencing all of the fantastic things the world has to offer: cultures, foods, restaurants, chefs, travel, ethnographic history, art, fashion, costumes, customs, scenery, locations, world heritage sites, unique hotels, homestays, trains, boats, cruise ships, sailing, horse and donkey drawn carts, and all manner of transportation.


Lori and Randall have traveled extensively, independently and together. We have roamed the world, enjoying adventure, enlightenment, unique collectables, customs and cultures, cuisine.


Both of us have Wanderlust in our DNA – We were born to travel!!  Lori’s interest was and is in exploring Europe, the Caribbean, Central and  South America and North America.  Randall also explored Europe and as far East as Turkey and extensively through the United States. Randall's has had a life-time fascination for South East Asia and  has taken him to especially Indonesia and has traveled to Tarija Land in central Sulawesi to experience ancient funeral rights and slept on the deck of a Bugis trading ship visiting islands in the Nusa Tanagra chain of Islands East of Bali as far as Komodo Island and Flores Island. is a travel, food and lifestyle site showcasing events, locations, people, restaurants, sailing and cruises, outdoor activities in the US and around the World.  Our approach is to show how much fun you can have, at any age. Age is not an issue in our world – just bring the right attitude and enjoy the experience and the moment with us.

We are now accepting professional partnerships, brand ambassadorships, brand and/or product placements, and sponsorships.  Our schedule is continually filling up. Please email us to request our media kit and rates soon to ensure creating the best product for you within your timeframe.



  • We are committed to our own unique viewpoint.

  • While we have relationships with many brands we are committed to being independent and not preferential to these brands.

  • All relationships will be fully disclosed

  • We accept paid sponsored opportunities

  • We only write and create video content about places and events we personally experience.

  • We accept tickets and free admission

  • Reviews are based on our personal experiences

  • We do not offer free consultation, do not offer free analytic services on other bloggers, and do not gift lists to PR reps, companies, or bloggers

  • We host giveaways for a fee because of the Social Media overhead involved in running an online contest.



We do not accept blind requests for rates or media kits

We do not accept link exchanges as a substitute for paid advertising  

© 2015 TravelFoodiesTV 

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